Sara Armstrong Donegan, Farm Business Specialist

Sara Armstrong Donegan (she/her), Farm Business Specialist

Gabby Boyson (she/her), Food Access Manager

Amanda Carrubba (she/her), Director of Finance & Operations

Patrick Dunseith, Land Manager

Patrick Dunseith (he/him), Land Manager

Mandy Fischer, Director of Development and Special Projects

Mandy Fischer (she/her), Director of Programs

Christine Cramer, Conservation Nursery Services Coordinator

Christine Cramer (she/her), Conservation Nursery Operations Manager

Ben Fishbein

Ben Fishbein (he/him), Production Manager

Brooke Fleischman

Brooke Fleischman (she/her), Conservation Nursery Seed Coordinator

Sarah Foster

Sarah Foster, Conservation Nursery Services Coordinator

Kerri Grimaldi (she/her), Grants Manager

Melanie Guild, Development Manager

Melanie Guild (she/her), Development Director

Brian Hotaling

Brian Hotaling (he/him), Finance and Operations Manager

Nathan Lake, Field and Farm Coordinator

Nathan Lake (he/him), Community Food Production Manager

Nikki Lennart, Farm Business Specialist

Nikki Lennart (she/her), Farm Business Specialist

Gabby Makatura (she/her), Development Manager

Travis Marcotte, Executive Director

Travis Marcotte (he/him), Executive Director

Kristen McDowell (she/her), Food Hub Manager

Christopher McManus (he/him), Facilities and Grounds Coordinator

April McIlwaine (she/her), Food Hub Operations & Outreach Coordinator

Duncan Murdoch, Natural Areas Stewardship Coordinator

Duncan Murdoch (he/him), Natural Areas Stewardship Coordinator

Ben Rodgers (he/him), Intervale Conservation Nursery Manager

Chelsea Somerville (she/her), Administrative and Events Manager

Gina Simmons

Gina Simmons (she/her), Farm Business Specialist

Sam Smith (he/him), Farm Business Director



our board of directors

The Intervale Center has a dedicated, all volunteer Board of Directors. They work closely with our Executive Director on policy and governance issues. They are also our organization’s most important advocates and champions.


Peter Asch, Treasurer, Owner, Twincraft Skincare

Amy Bacon

Roy Beckford, Associate Dean and Director of Extension, University of Vermont

Alyson Chalnick, Internship Coordinator, Common Roots

Mark Curran

Marcella Gange, Community Development Manager, CEDO

Ernesto Méndez, Professor and Researcher, UVM

Katharine Montstream, Montstream Studio

FM Muñoz, Secretary, My Name is FM Consulting

Sarah Muyskens

Chuck Ross, Chair, Joint Owner, Taproots Farm

Lori Rowe

Jessica Sanford, Adam’s Berry Farm

Lynn Ellen Schimoler