donate today
Thank you for helping us build a resilient food system that sustains farms, land, and people.
With your support we are providing free fresh food year-round, increasing access to land, food, and recreational opportunities, and mitigating environmental harm through positive and proactive land stewardship and agricultural support. As we face complex climate challenges in Vermont and around the globe, you are the strength we need to advance our community food systems movement.
Thank you for helping us create safer, cleaner, and more accessible agriculture, conservation, and community spaces for everyone to enjoy.
If you are having trouble processing your donation, please contact
Checks can be made out to Intervale Center and mailed to:
Intervale Center
180 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT 05401
Thank you so much to our 2024 Donors!
Click here to read our latest impact report!
At the Intervale Center, we believe that good food can change the world. Financial contributions and sponsorships are vital to fuel this change. We welcome gifts in a variety of forms:
Give a one-time or Recurring gift
Use the simple form on this page to make a secure, tax deductible gift in minutes. Thank you!
Ask your employer for a matching gift
Many businesses will match charitable donations made by their employees. This is a great way to make your gift to the Intervale Center go further! Ask your Human Resources Department whether or not your employer has a matching gift program. You may have to complete a matching gift form for your employer and send it, completed and signed, with your gift.
Become a Business Partner
We have a robust business partnership program with multiple event sponsorship options that offer a great way to gain exposure for your company and its values while supporting our transformation of the local food system. To learn more about our business partnership program, please contact Development Director, Melanie Guild, at (802) 660-0440 x113 or by email.
The Intervale Center is proud to be a part of the 1% for the Planet network, which connects businesses and nonprofits to protect the planet. If you own a business, please consider joining 1% for the Planet and naming the Intervale Center as your beneficiary. For more information please visit
make a gift of securities
We are happy to accept gifts of stocks and bonds and can provide you with transfer instructions. Donating appreciated securities is an efficient way to make a meaningful gift because it allows you to avoid paying the capital gains tax. This is because when you make a charitable gift of securities held long-term, the donation you make and the deduction you get are greater than they would be if you were to sell the shares and donate the cash proceeds instead.
make a gift from your donor advised fund
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a mechanism that simplifies the administrative burden of fulfilling your philanthropic goals. DAFs offer the favorable tax benefits of giving directly to charities with added flexibility around timing of gifts.
If you have a DAF with Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon, you can use this DAF Direct widget to recommend gifts to the Intervale Center from your fund.
Make a gift from your IRA*
If you are 72 or older, you can donate up to $100,000 to the Intervale Center from your IRA or 401K without it being counted as taxable income. This gift can be used as your required minimum distribution (RMD).
If you wish to make a gift from your IRA simply download and complete this letter and submit it to your IRA administrator.
*Required Minimum Deductions have been suspended for 2020 due to the Covid-19 crisis
Make a gift of an Insurance Policy
If you have a fully paid insurance policy you no longer need, you can gift the policy to the Intervale Center and take a tax deduction for the value of the policy at the time of the gift.
Everybody can make a lasting and meaningful gift through their will. When you include the Intervale Center in your will, your vision for a vibrant food system can live on forever in the Intervale. Let us know your intentions, and we will include you in our Legacy Society. Gifts can be designated for a specific use or for our Nonprofit Endowment Fund housed at the Vermont Community Foundation.
Making a gift in your will may also qualify your estate for an estate tax charitable deduction. You can make a gift by including the following language in your will:
“I give (insert dollar amount) or (insert a specific asset, such as securities, real estate or other property) or (insert percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate) to the Intervale Center in Burlington, Vermont to be used for the general purposes of the nonprofit organization.”
If you wish to document your bequest intention, please download this letter and mail to:
Melanie Guild, Development Director
Intervale Center, 180 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT 05401