Celebrating two decades of farm support

At the Intervale Center, we understand what it takes to run a farm business. For two decades, we have provided farmland access tools and business assistance to farms in every corner of Vermont.

Over the past three years alone, we have worked with 250 Vermont farms from Sandy Bottom Farm to Boyd Family Farm. We work one-on-one with each farmer – at their kitchen table, in their barns, and out in their fields – to help them realize their dreams and ensure a viable and prosperous farm economy for Vermont.

Animal Farm in Orwell, Vermont, by Corey Hendrickson

Over the next two years, we will work with 200 new, established, and retiring farmers to help secure our legacy as an agricultural state. 

Together, our work continues. By supporting the Intervale Center, you help us move toward our vision where farms are diverse and thriving.

Maddy Traynor