Lynn Ellen Schimoler
Lynn Ellen Schimoler currently works as the Vice President for Operations at the Vermont Land Trust, after working for five years with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets, supporting the Working Lands Enterprise Board, and administering grants and contracts for the Working Lands Enterprise Initiative. In that capacity, she successfully increased investments, implemented governance practices, and served as legislative liaison to policy makers. In her time with the Agency, she connected numerous farm, food, and forestland enterprises with technical assistance and funding in partnership with the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, the Vermont Economic Development Authority, and Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund. Prior to that, Schimoler collaborated on food co-op expansions with the National Cooperatives Grocer, while working for City Market/Onion River Co-op to advance Vermont, regional and national product development, and efficient operations at the store. Schimoler currently serves on the Vermont State Advisory Board for the Conservation Law Foundation, the board at Co-op Food Stores and UVM’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences board. She lives in Essex VT and enjoys a part-time Dance Lecturer position at the University of Vermont.