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Rally to Keep the Soil in Organic

On Sunday, October 8th, farmers and pioneers of the organic movement will assemble for a Rally to Keep the Soil in Organic, in Burlington, VT. Join a tractor cavalcade at noon, led by the Brazilian drumming ensemble “Sambatucada” and a parade of farmers and organic eaters to the Intervale Center at 180 Intervale Rd. (parking at Gardeners Supply), followed by short speeches from leaders in the organic movement, including Eliot Coleman, Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, Maddie Monty, Christa Alexander, and Pete Johnson. More than 50 regional farms are expected to attend. The Rally will culminate with good food from Skinny Pancake, live music, and a family-fun celebration. 

There are 16 Rallies scheduled so far to publicly oppose the weakening of USDA Organic labeling standards and to demand that the National Organic Program preserve soil as the foundation of all organic farming. Rallies are being organized in England, Canada, Costa Rica, and across the US from California to Maine. A large Rally will take place in Hanover, NH on October 15 at 2 PM. The final Rally will take place at the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting on October 31 in Jacksonville, Florida. 

Organic pioneer Eliot Coleman has written, “I believe it is our duty as organic farmers to defend the integrity of what has been handed down to us by our forebears. The protection of that heritage is a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. The importance of optimal soil fertility as the bedrock of organic farming has to be transmitted accurately to future generations, so they can continue this effort.

Since the USDA refuses to stop this hydroponic/organic fraud, I am asking all serious organic farmers to take effective action themselves. A large group of deeply committed organic farmers are staging a protest at the NOSB meeting in Jacksonville, FL at noon on October 31st. I am going to be there and I hope you will join us.” 

Vermont organic farmer Dave Chapman has said, “Most organic growers would not consider a tomato grown in a little bag of coconut husk suspended 3 feet over the ground and fed entirely through an IV drip system to be organically grown. Virtually all of the tomatoes labeled as ‘organic’ in large chain stores (such as Wal-Mart) will soon be hydroponic tomatoes from Mexico and California. People might not realize they are buying factory food that has never touched the soil.”

Unchallenged, the hydroponic industry will transform the “certified organic” produce that is available to most Americans from soil-grown to hydroponic. The products from confined livestock operations already undersell the farms using humane, sustainable, and regenerative practices. There is no way of knowing what is Hydro or CAFO, and what is not. The USDA label does not differentiate between organic and fauxganic.

As rallies have grown in size and in number over the past 3 years, it is clear that the trend toward a just and transparent food system that promotes soil health, ecological health, and human health has only just begun.

More information about past events and all of the upcoming rallies can be found at 

Last years’ Rally in the Valley, held in the tiny town of East Thetford, Vermont drew hundreds of people and dozens of tractors. In 2015, more than 50 organic farmers and supporters gathered for an impromptu rally at the NOSB meeting in Stowe, Vermont to protest organic certification of hydroponics. Both made international news. 
Get a glimpse of the visuals from the 2016 rally in East Thetford, VT. 

Contacts: Davey Miskell (802) 318-0576 or Maddie Monty (802) 324-1580

BRING puppets, costumes, banners, colorful signs!

Don't water down organic!
Organic means soil-grown!
Protect Organic Integrity!
Vermont Farmers Build Healthy Soil!
New Hampshire Farmers Build Healthy Soil!
Healthy Soil, Healthy People, Healthy Communities
Hydro? Fine! - Get your own label!
Don't Hide Behind Organic!
Hydroponic is NOT organic.
CAFO farms are NOT organic!

This rally is sponsored by NOFA-VTDartmouth Organic FarmLady Moon Farms, Vermont Compost Company, Co-op Food StoresFour Season Farm, Will Raap, Miskell's Premium Organic, Northeast Farmers Union, Jack & Sarah Robinson, Meg Berlin, Jeffrey Hollender, and Long Wind Farm.